Why more and more Stadiums use LED lighting?
Why more and more Stadiums use LED lighting?

Sports lighting has come a long way in a short time. Since 2015, nearly 25% of major sports venues in the United States have shifted from traditional metal halide lamps to more adaptable and energy-efficient LEDs. For example, the United States Major League Baseball Seattle Marines and Texas Rangers, as well as the United States National Football League Arizona Cardinals and Minnesota Vikings.

Why more and more Stadiums use LED lighting

Mike Lorenz, president of Eaton’s Ephesian Lighting Company, introduced the recent emergence of LEDs in major sports facilities and why many teams use LED technology.

According to Lorenz, the state-of-the-art venue selection LED system has three main reasons: improving television broadcasting, enhancing the fan experience and reducing long-term operating costs.

1. LED lighting and control can increase TV coverage

Television broadcasting has long played an important role in influencing the evolution of lighting. From professional sports leagues to university competitions, LEDs enhance TV broadcasting by eliminating common strobe slow-motion playback on metal halide lamps. Using advanced LED sports lighting, these clips can now be played at 20,000 frames per second without flickering, so fans can carefully capture playback every second.

When the LED is used to illuminate the playing field, the image on the TV is clearer and brighter because the LED lighting balances warm and cool colors. Almost no shadows, glare or dark spots, so the action is still clear and unobstructed. The LED system can also be adjusted according to the venue of the game, the game time and the type of game broadcast.

2. LED system can enhance the fan’s experience in the game

With LED lighting systems, fans have a better experience, which can not only improve the effect of watching the game, but also increase the audience’s participation. The LED has an instant feature so you can adjust the light immediately at half-time or when the game is interrupted. Imagine if your favorite team shoots in the last five seconds of the first half, the timer will change to 0 seconds, the lights will be on the ball and fans on the field will react. The lighting department can use a controlled LED system to customize this moment, inspiring players’ morale. In turn, fans will feel that they are part of the game.

3. Advanced lighting system reduces operating costs

Advances in lighting technology have also made the operating costs of LEDs more attractive than before, and are more economical than conventional lighting such as metal halide lamps. The installation of LED stadiums can save 75% to 85% of the total energy costs.

So, what is the total project cost? The average installation cost of the arena ranges from 125,000 to 400,000 US dollars, while the installation cost of the stadium ranges from 800,000 to 2 million US dollars, depending on the sports grounds and lighting facilities. With the reduction of energy saving and maintenance costs, the return on investment of LED systems will usually appear within a few years.

The adoption rate of LED is increasing. Next time, when you are cheering in the stands or watching a game in a comfortable home, take a moment to think about LED performance.


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